Top events

Top Events / Top concerts

Top events: You want to find the best events coming soon? Do not hesitate and buy or sell your tickets now on FanPass! Our platform is fast, easy to use and safe. The best concerts from the biggest artists are here! Find your tickets for top events. You can also sell your tickets. We all have a favorite artist. Some of them have a huge reputation and a big fan base. We can feel your excitation when an artist is coming near you in order to sing live!

What’s hot right now? Find the best artists like Justin Bieber, Coldplay or Rihanna on our platform FanPass. Share these amazing moments with your friends or your family. Stop watching or singing your favorite songs alone in your bedroom! A big artist may tour soon near you. Concerts are a big moment of happiness. Everyone could feel the perfect harmony between artists and fans.

Most of the artists do have profiles on social networks. They can inform you instantly if they are touring near your area. FanPass is the platform for having tickets at a good price and with 100% guarantee! The best venues and the biggest artists are waiting for you. Do not miss that opportunity! Feel free to sell tickets if you want. Our website allows sellers to have a better visibility for their tickets for Top events. Many artists are touring in Europe soon!

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Usefull informations about top events :

List of largest concerts

Artists Attendance Show Location Other artists Sources/ remarks
Sir Rod Stewart 3,500,000 Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, 1994
Jean-Michel Jarre 3,500,000 850th birthday of Moscow Moscow, 1997
Jean-Michel Jarre 2,500,000 Paris La Défense: A City in Concert Paris, 1990
AC/DC, Pantera, Metallica, The Black Crowes, E.S.T. 1,600,000 Monsters of Rock Moscow, 1991
Paul van Dyk, Carl Cox, Armin van Buuren 1,600,000 Love Parade (Highway to love) Dortmund, 2008 The largest dance music event
The Rolling Stones 1,500,000 Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, 2006
Various artists 1,500,000 Paz Sin Fronteras II Havana, 2009
Various artists 1,500,000 Live 8 Concert Philadelphia, 2005 Live 8 was a string of benefit concerts, on 2 July 2005, in the G8 states and in South Africa.
Tiësto, Paul Van Dyk, Carl Cox, and Armin Van Buuren 1,400,000 Art of love Duisburg, 2010 plus other DJs a crowd rush at the Love Parade caused the death of 21 people, with at least 500 others injured
Various artists (including Jean-Michel Jarre) 1,300,000 Rendezvous Houston Festival Houston, April 5, 1986 150th Anniversary of Texas, 25th Birthday of NASA
Various artists 1,300,000 Love Parade (One World One Loveparade) Berlin, 2000
Jean-Michel Jarre 1,200,000 Concert for Tolerance Paris, 1995
Various artists 1,200,000 Love Parade (The is Back) Berlin, 2006
Various artists 1,200,000 Love Parade (Love is everywhere) Essen, 2007
Jean-Michel Jarre 1,000,000 La Concorde Paris, 1979
Baustelle, Edoardo Bennato, Biogora, Caparezza, Enrico Capuano, Ascanio Celestini, Luciano Ligabue, Marco Marzocca, Marlene Kuntz, Luca Medici, Modena City Ramblers 1,000,000 Concerto del Primo Maggio Rome, 2006
Garth Brooks 980,000 Garth: Live from Central Park Central Park, New York City, 1997 Billy Joel, Don McLean Most attended concert in park history
Rammstein 800,000-1,200,000 Rock Over Volga Festival Russia, 2013 Various Artists
Bruce Springsteen, Jackson Browne, James Taylor, Joan Baez 800,000 – 1,000,000 Anti-nuclear protests in the United States New York, 1982 Most attended political concert
Bruce Springsteen 800,000-1,200,000 East Berlin Germany, 1988
Babbu Maan 892,000 Kabaddi Cup, February 2, 2015 Ranwan, Ludhiana (India) Largest attendance for a concert in India and South-East Asia
Diana Ross 800,000 Central Park New York, 1983
The Allman Brothers Band, The Band, Grateful Dead 600,000 Summer Jam at Watkins Glen, 1973 New York, 1973 Largest attendance for pop festival
Genesis 500,000 When in Rome 2007 Rome, 2007
Simon & Garfunkel 500,000 The Concert in Central Park Central Park, New York,1981